
Learning across oceans

Since arriving in Adelaide, Saniya was surprised how quiet and peaceful it seemed, as in India, the constant honking and street noise made it quite loud and busy.

Saniya is an international student from India and is about to complete the first year of  her Masters in Social Work and about to commence her work placement with Bene Aged Care.  Together Bene and Saniya have gone on a multicultural journey of discovery and acceptance.  Saniya was a little nervous at first,  concerned about her accent and cultural differences, ‘I am an Indian woman about to work in an Italian organisation!’

Her fears quickly resolved and has progressively grown in confidence as she learns of a culture not dissimilar to her own, consisting of love, family, food, language,  human connection and exploration.

Expanding beyond her theoretical knowledge, Saniya has been able to connect with members of our centre based groups by creating memory books, breathing life into migration and settlement experiences. Saniya also treated the members and staff to an amazing Indian lunch, immersing us in the intoxicating smells of Indian spice.  ‘This experience has helped me to self –reflect as I was not confident.  I now feel that I have contributed and my confidence has grown.  I will be sad to finish my placement as everyone here, from staff to members have all become my family’.

We look forward to seeing what the future holds for you Saniya!  Thank you from us for your invaluable contribution. Looking forward to your return!

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