Freedom, social connectivity and a sense of belonging are needs that we all feel, but these are difficult for some residents who live with severe respiratory difficulties, some challenges can include attending family gatherings or special occasions outside home.
Through the generosity of our benefactors, a new portable oxygen concentrator was donated to Bene St Clair – Woodville. The oxygen concentrator which delivers up to 8 hours of oxygenated air, provides a lifeline for a resident to breath easier, helping them continue to be an integral part of family gatherings, special occasions and day trips outside of home.
As it is our Italian style, the event boasted beautiful handcrafted foods such as homemade biscuits by Vivian De Sanctis, ‘Frittelle’ by Esterina Quarantiello, all prepared and cooked on the premises under the watchful eyes of residents and Cookies donated by Bake ‘N Serve Hectorville . Of course Italian coffee was on the ready with the help of Marjana McCormack, Bene Lifestyle.
This device and its possibilities were only made possible thanks to the generous donations of the following Galipo Foods, Marble Cement, Mark and Jan Nalty – A.L. Nalty Memorials, Domenico & Elena Melisi and the Molinara Club.